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IF Function

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts


I'm trying to make a progress state based of check mark. For example when I checked on "STATUS 1", then the "PROGRESS" column automatically registered 25%, "STATUS 1 & 2" checked then 50% and so on.


Would anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance!

IF Function QS.png


  • Jeff K.

    Use a formula to calulate and tack on the % instead


    Assuming it's the first row:


    = ( [Status1]1 + [Status2]1 + [Status3]1 + [Status4]1 ) / 4 * 100 +"%"

  • JohnHinkle
    JohnHinkle ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/24/16

    I dont think Smartsheet will recognize a check as 1. I know 1 = checked 0 = unchecked but for summing, I dont think it sees a check as a numeric number. 


    Try this instead:


    =COUNTIF([Status 1]1:[Status 4]1, 1) / COUNT([Status 1]1:[Status 4]1)


    Counts the number of checked boxed and divides it by the total number of checkboxes. Format the cell as a percent. 

  • Vaynard

    Awoseome! this works!


    =COUNTIF([Status 1]1:[Status 4]1, 1) / COUNT([Status 1]1:[Status 4]1)



    Thank you so much John!

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