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Mindjet and mind mapping integration



  • Hello Alex, hello all


    I have a clomplex job and I'm managing & organizing my tasks/goal with mindmanager. We use Smartsheet for the projects and team work. Please make sure that they are connected as soon as possible





  • Dietrich Koch
    Dietrich Koch ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Alex,


    IMHO it would be absolutely great, if you could incorporate mindmapping into Smartsheet!


    Mindmapping is a great technique to support the more creative phase in the beginning of a project, where you gather all your ideas, demands and requirements and identify the dependencies between all the different aspects of your project and also other projects that are planned or ongoing. In this very important phase you separate the wheat from the chaff and identify what's really wanted/usefull/necessary and whats only nice to have and what you want to start with and what could be part of a later release. In the beginning you have a cloud of thoughts and step by step you give it all a structure. In the end you have a complete work breaktdown structure of what needs to be done.


    The mindmap already contains the hierachy of the tasks in its structure and you could "easily" turn it into a project plan within Smartsheet and finalize it by adding date/time, resources, dependencies and stuff. Perfect would be of course, if you could add this additional information already in the mindmap ;-) I know MindView or Mindmanager work this way... You could also combine it with the "Card View" function you are currently developing...


    Having this functionality definitively would be a fantastic enhancement to Smartsheet and would be another big step in making Smartsheet the one stop tool for projectmanagement :-) !


    Please add my vote for this feature!!




  • Chee Yuen Chan
    edited 06/11/16

    Yep, mindmapping <--> Task List <--> Gantt Chart <--> Calendar


    These 4 views must be interchangable.  Smartsheet is missing that important piece of puzzle for now.  Once that is included, this would be a KILLER app!  There is no grounds for anyone to use another mindmapping software anymore!


    Otherwise, the integration must be quickly established between Smartsheet and  one the mindmapping software, for e.g. Mindjet.


    Looking forward to this new feature soon!



  • David Eck
    David Eck
    edited 06/30/16

    I am evaluating Smartsheet right now.  I would like an all-in-one product like others have mentioned that includes robust mind mapping capability.  


    I like XMind mind mapping software for its features and cross-platform capability.  I often use Visio's brainstorming features because my clients have licenses for Visio.  


    In any case, I'd like to be able to do everything (including mind mapping) in one tool and have the option to export to file formats my clients might be using for viewing.

  • Patrick Olsson

    I also use Ithoughtsx and are now evaluating smartsheets. And i have to say, that if it would be possible to have thoose functions within the same app/program it would be just fantastic.

  • Hans Eisenman

    +1 on this.


    My personal fave for mind mapping is Personal Brain.  It's a downloadable .exe and pro version is kind of pricey, but the free version is more than adequate.


    What I love about it is you can link objects as child or sibling (or parent of course) and then when you put the focus on an object, you get a window for adding more detailed info about that object.


    It's also fluid. The model moves as you click through it. This provides some flow to the whole affair.


    I find many mind maps are too static for my liking. The flowing aspect of Personal Brain gives it an edge for me.

  • Jon SF
    Jon SF ✭✭

    i know this is an older post but looking for the same thing.  i use mindjet mindmanager which allows you to change from a map view to a gantt view; I then keep the same tasks in smartsheet but it would be great if both were looking at the same data set.  i.e. toggle between a map view and a gantt view.  the map view should be able to reflect different information visually (e.g. progress complete icon or green bubble, etc.)

  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Hans & Jon,


    I've got your votes down for mindmapping integration on our enhancement request list for further consideration.


    Thanks for your input!

  • Dom Robinson
    edited 01/12/17

    +1 for Smartsheet > Mindmeister integration.


    Ultimately a 'sheet' is a 'project' and indentation on the sheet = sub-node on mindmeister.


    Most usefully would be to then have proper task-integration so that updates in either are shared between the apps and the teams only get one task reminder (opting either for sheets or mindmeister to issue the task alert)



  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Don,


    Thanks for providing details on what you're looking for with this type of integration. I've passed your feedback along to our Product team for further consideration.

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    May have missed it here, but I think in order to make this happen you will need to be able to create and reference unique ID to each object.  Currently, this may be available through the API, but it is not visible from within the platform.


    Mind-maps can be very fluid, with multiple levels and associations.  If each row/object does not have a unique ID, I'm not sure how you'd keep it straight when linking SS to the intended platform.

  • Stephen OBrien

    Just adding another vote.... I also use Visio for mind mapping and I am currently setting up  a Getting Things Done (GTD)  SS page - from a supplied template.  The benefit of mind mapping is that it is pretty fluid, but tasks get thrown up all over the place from a brainstorm/mind map. The challenge is to try and organise and process those tasks. 

  • I use Ithoughts for mind mapping.  It allows you to export via Mind manager, mindmap, etc.  It currently have the ability to export as Outlook Tasks which is great for reminders, but I would also love to be able to expor from iThoughts in xx format and import into Smartsheet for my tasks!

  • I am throwing my vote in for integrating mind mapping into Smartsheet.  As a manager with multiple departments and ongoing projects I utilize mind mapping everyday.  The ability to create a map strike a key to turn it into a project sheet from an outline, build my team goals and roll it out would be priceless.As part of strategic planning, our teams currently utilize mind mapping and to have accomplish this in one meeting and publish to the team would only enhance Smartsheet.  

  • Tony Clark

    Did anything ever come of this or do i need to create map in other software then export to Project and import to Smartsheet?




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