Archived 2016 Posts

Archived 2016 Posts

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Push Merging - Is there a way to push a record form smartsheet to a Merge function

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi All ,


Calling all Merge Experts - Google docs or another applicaiton.


I am looking to build a quicker more accurate solution.


I have a GDoc template created, I have a list of data that I merge from.

Presently I have to go to the GDocs Document to then

      select 'add ons > smartsheet merge" to then

             Select  the record I wish to merge (out of several and could be heaps) to then

                      Run the merge


Is there a way to push the merge from smartsheet to select a record and then print this record?


That will improve accuracy and make a solution far less clunky...


Happy to accept any idea's...


Thank you in advance community.






  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Dear Christian,


    I like the idea very much.... it would be great. However, I think it's not possible, since the merge functionality is an add-on to GDrive and not to Smartsheet (like in MS Office: it's a function of Word). 

    I guess there is a way that Azuqua/Zapier fans could recommend, so I'll give them the floor. 

    (Btw, I would be happy even if there was  a smarter way to select a record, as I wrote here.)



  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    It sounds what you are looking for is to be able to select one or more Smartsheet rows right from inside Smartsheet, and then click a button to send them to a Google Doc.


    Unfortunately, there is no way to do this from inside Smartsheet today.  Smartsheet Merge or, possibly, Zapier or Azuqua are your options.  Longer term we are thinking about enabling actions like that from inside the product - I will make a note of this.



  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks, Alex, 

    That would be great! Add my vote, please! 


This discussion has been closed.

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