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Attaching a Smartsheet Project Charter

Sue Haley
Sue Haley ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I have a smartsheet that lists all of my active projects in a one line listing.  I would like to attach the project charter to each project in this sheet.

Is there a way to do this besides exporting into excel and then attaching?




  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    By one line listing, do you mean one line per project?


    You can drag and drop docs and files from Windows Explorer to the paper-clip icon column of the associated row.


    Is that what you are looking for?



  • Thank you for you quck response Craig.

    I know I can attach a file easily I am looking to attach another smartsheet in the attachment so I do not have to export it into excel to attach.

    Yes, one listing is one line per project.



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Hmm. I'm going to have to think about that. That's a feature I don't use often.



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    There are a couple options for this!


    You could add a new column for charters (or use the column containing the project name) and use the sheet link feature to create a hyperlink to the charter sheets. To do this, right click in the cell and select Hyperlink > Link to other Smartsheet.


    Another option, if you want to "attach it", go to the attachment menu and select Attach > Link (URL) and enter the secure sheet link for the sheet. This can be found by going to the sheet, select the Sharing tab and expand Collaborators. 


    Is this what you were looking for? 

  • Both of those will work perfectly!!  Thank youCool


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