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Locked is greyed out in pull-down menu

Andrew Buck
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I have a spreadsheet that was shared with me.  I made a copyu of it so now I am the owner.  I would like to make it into a template, but prefer to lock the formula columns.  However, even if I stand on my head, I can't get the the locking feature to become available.





  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    A few questions for you:


    You own the sheet and are unable to lock a column?

    What type of column are you trying to lock?

    Just to confirm, this is a sheet and not a report, correct? A report will have a "Report Builder" tab at the bottom.


    Could you post a screenshot of what you see when you right click on the column header?

  • Hi Travis,


    Yes, I own the Sheet.  It has a Text/Number column type. There is no "Report Builder" tab at the bottom.


    Here is the screen shot.


    Mmmmm.  Wait! It ain't greyed out anymore!  But it was, it was!!  Man you are really good Travis.  :)


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Good to hear, Andrew! 

This discussion has been closed.