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Need help with an IF AND statement

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

=IF(AND([Required Weld Size]4 = 0.25, [Actual Weld Size1]4 = 0.5, 0, 1))


I am not able to get the above working.  IT comes back imbalaced and I have played around with it with not luck.  Can anyone lend a thought?


  • Jenny Lam
    Jenny Lam
    edited 03/04/16

    Wanna try this? Just guessing what you're trying to do:


    =IF(AND([Required Weld Size]4 = 0.25, [Actual Weld Size]4 = 0.5), 0, 1)

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I think Jenny has your answer.

    However, if the required weld was 0.5 and the actual was 0.25, that would be even worse, wouldn't it? :)


    This would tell you when they don't match


    =IF([Required Weld Size]4 = [Actual Weld Size]4, 1, 0)


    1 = match

    0 = no match


    Note that the syntax for IF is




    True = 1

    False = 0


    If you switch them like you did




    bad things can happen to you. At least where I work.





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