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Cell Content Replacement with IF Statement

Stan Adell
Stan Adell ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I created a formula to automate the process to enter % Complete and Status Complete fields to match when 100% Complete. It is working the way I want on Project sheets for each department to apply formulas for "Not Started", "In Progress", "Complete", etc. When entering a new row the formulas don't appy the formatting.


  • Figured it out.

    IF Nothing entered THEN “Not Started”
    IF >0 and <100% THEN “In Progress”
    IF 100% THEN “Complete
    =IF([% Complete]1 = 0, "Not Started", IF(AND([% Complete]1 > 0, [% Complete]1 < 1), "In Progress", IF([% Complete]1 = 1, "Complete")))


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