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Auto fill gaps

Good afternoon, 


I would like to know if it is possible to autofill a gap by using a code in a formulary. For example: 

Code number 5678 - WALLMART STORE 

When the code is entered automatically a gap is filled.

Is it possible ? 




  • If you are talking about entering 5768 in one field and then having Wallmart Store in another. this will only be possible with up to a few entries using an If Calculation.


    =IF(Cell = "5768", "Wallmart Store",     IF(cell = "numbers", "Text",      ..........) )


    For anything more than a few (7 I think)  there is no solution (i know of) in smartsheet.


    There is no List validation or lookup like this in smartsheet.

    .....You could export to excel  do what you need to and reupload.



  • Atus Bartal
    Atus Bartal ✭✭✭✭✭✭
This discussion has been closed.