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Using SUMIF when column is not blank




I am trying to sum only the values of the children in one column for which the corresponding cell from another column is not blank. I tried this formula: =SUMIFS(CHILDREN(Amount25)), (CHILDREN([Date Paid]25), NOT BLANK), but it did not work. Is it even possible?




  • Jim Hook
    Jim Hook ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I use SUMIFS frequently  but I'm not familiar with the NOT BLANK part as the thing to match. I do know that the first argument has to specify a range that only includes numbers or blank cells and that the second argument range has to have the same number of cells as the first argument. I think the NOT BLANK part is not a valid argument. Try <>"" which I think Smartsheet wil interpret as "not equal to blank".

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    You wont be able to say "not blank" in a SUMIF but you can SUMIF it is blank, then subtrack that from the total SUM. Try this:


    =SUM(CHILDREN(Amount25)) - SUMIF(CHILDREN([Date Paid]25), "", CHILDREN(Amount25))

  • Thanks, for the input!


    Travis, that worked great!

This discussion has been closed.