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SS says my Excel sheet is too big to import

I'm new to SS and attempting to upload an Excel sheet that is 85MB. But it says the file is too big. Yet the Excel sheet only has about 250 rows and 10 columns. There are no formulas, just some cells with web links.  What is the size limitt, and is there a workaround for getting this spreadsheet into SS?


  • Alice Horrigan
    edited 03/18/16

    Here's the answer from tech support:


    The file size limit on import is 10MB. As a workaround you can create a new blank Excel workbook and select only the data you need from the original. Copying and paste that data into the new workbook and import it into Smartsheet.


    We don’t measure sheets in a particular file size once they are in Smartsheet, but there are certain maximums we have put in place. Large sheets will increase the time needed to load and save your data. Smartsheet currently enforces the following maximum sizes on sheets to minimize encountering speed issues:


    • Max rows: 5000
    • Max columns: 200
    • Max cells: 200,000

    For sheets approaching this size we recommend taking a look at ways you can move completed items to another sheet, split up data into different time frames or other logical groupings, or remove columns that might be no longer needed.



  • Alice


    Not sure if applicable, but I have run into this problem when I have more than one sheet in my workbook. I will just made a copy of the one sheet I want to import and save as a new workbook to import.




  • Thanks Christine. There was just one sheet in this workbook but Tech Support did mention that I should check for that. I ended up removing all unused cells and scaled down the sheet by removing some unnecessary data. That made enough of a difference to be able to upload it.

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