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Centralized Resource Management

Clare Conger
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

We have just purchased a team license for our company and are looking for ways to manage resources on the project.  The way that we currently do it is we have each of the resources allocated to the projects that they are working on, and on a month by month basis, their allocations to a project can change.  So in June, Resource 1 way be allocated 50% to project 1 and 50% to project 2. Does anyone have any ideas on the best way to acheive this in Smartsheet?  At the moment we can only see this at a task level.


  • JohnHinkle
    JohnHinkle ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Set up a ‘dummy’ task for project 1 project 2 and assign Resource 1 to each project at 50% allocation. Set the timeline for these two tasks as the length of each project (sounds like 1 month increments?). Now Resource 1 is allocated 50% on each project. When assigning Resource 1 to ACTUAL tasks within the projects, set their allocation percent to 0%. If you have multiple resources for each project, you will need a new ‘dummy’ task for each resource. You can group these together with hierarchies and collapse them, so it appears as a single row and won’t clutter up your sheet.  

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