Fighting an IF formula

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.  I am trying to get a response for "if the issue date is more than 10 days from the begin date AND the task is not 100%, show Late.  Otherwise show 0.  I will then be writing a report that shows only late.


=IF(AND(NETWORKDAYS(Begin1, Issue1) > 10, "Late", "0", [%Complete]5 < 1), "Late", "0")





  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    IF and AND are statements of their own. You need to think of them as independent when organizing your formulas. In your case you can use a stacked IF statement instead of an AND. If you want to get fancy and get your formula a little shorter you can use an or.



    =IF(AND(NETWORKDAYS(Begin1, Issue1) > 10, "Late", "0", [%Complete]5 < 1), "Late", "0")

    Stacked IF

    =IF(NETWORKDAYS(Begin1, Issue1) > 10, "Late", if([%Complete]5 < 1), "Late", "0"))

    IF OR

    =IF(OR(NETWORKDAYS(Begin1, Issue1) > 10, [%Complete]5 < 1),"Late","0")


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