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how to automatically generate task lists

Shari Cable
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi, I'm super new to Smartsheet but  have seen a handful of videos and am suggesting it as a solution for a bookkeeping client of mine for task and project management. We have created payroll and non-payroll client engagement templates (found on YouTube by schoolofbookkeeping) in her account to be used for each client and would like to automatcially generate task lists for herself and her assistant from them. Is there a way to do this so that they each get an updated task list daily emailed or something by chance? Thanks!



  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Create a Report that is driven by the Due date  or Start date or some other date type category that shows only task that need to be done today.  Share the report to the usesrs and every time they open it it will be full of the tasks that need to be done today.  Alternativly all tasks that are not complete.


    Also the report can be schedules to be sent as an Excel file or PDF to them.


    Also Update requests can be set up to be sent daily.


    You choose



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