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How to combine different data from several sheets into word processor document?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

How do you combine different types of data (different column headings) from several sheets into a single word processor document? I looked at the Google doc mailmerge, but it will only merge the data from a single sheet. I looked at reports but the mailmerge does not work with reports. I looked at linking the data to a destination sheet, but the merge only allows one set of columns and one set of rows to be included at a time and it doesn't allow multiple specific cells to be merged. I see that it is possible to copy and paste data from a Smartsheet to other applications, but if I have to do that from various sheets it's a bit too last century to be useful. Any thoughts?


  • JohnHinkle
    JohnHinkle ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 04/11/16

    Sounds like you went through everything I was going to suggest!


    I think copy and paste may be your best bet. 


    How did you do this before Smartsheet? Did you use Excel or another program? You might be able to export your Smartsheet data into the system you used before, then add it to Word. 

  • Thanks JohnHinkle. I used excel and added all of the text and formatting to a sheet for direct printing.

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