Archived 2016 Posts

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Cell Linking with Auto-Numbered/System Created (Date)

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi All,

When cell linking an Auto-Numbered/System Created (Date), why does the time stamp section not link as well?

For example;

In one sheet i have an Auto-Numbered/System Created (Date) displaying [08/4/16 13:22] but in the linked cell it only shows [08/04/16] no timestamp is carried across.


Where am i going wrong?







  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    The  Auto created Systen Date is the only field that can stoeand display a time.  I am adduming that you are linking to a date cell.


    You could try and in the source sheet create another couumn and create a formulae to display the timestamp as text and if that works then link that into the other sheet.  Remember if it does it it will ne text and not a date and time.



  • Hi james,

    I've tried referencing the cell in another column on the source sheet as a text field, but it displays "Number Expected"




  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm not sure this is possible currently.


    If you link to a Created By (Date) cell, if you force it to text


    =Created23 + ""


    or by using the formulas that return text, like RIGHT, LEFT, etc...


    But that just shows the date.


    You can get a number that looks like it matches a value associated with the time

    but I have yet to decipher the results properly.


    =(Created23 - DATEONLY(Created23)) 


    that gets a number

    but it isn't just a simple clock number and it is not consistent with my time zone.

    The 'rules' I have been given do not work.

    I'm adding this comment in the hopes someone has the key.


    I can write a formula to turn 10.34673 to 8:06 AM if I have to. 

    But I'd rather not.





  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Sorry yes Craig is right.  Smart sheet does not recognise Hours and Minutes in the normal way.


    The System columns Created and Modified show Hours and Minutes but it looks like the code is in the display element rather than the functional element of its production.


    The only other fields that recognise parts of a day is Start and Finish in a Project sheet, but even then its as a decimal and on tablets and phones (App) can be seen as time but not on a PC.



  • Hi Craig,

    Thanks for your input.


    I'm still trying different ways with this issue. But so far I can't seem to get it to work or find a workaround either.

    The timestamp is created when a web form is received in a master sheet,  and i want to link that cell to other sheets as part of the workflow.





  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    And unfortunately, I don't see anything on the roadmap that looks promising.




  • A workaround to this that I used: try adding a general "text/number" column in the source sheet as a formula =LEFT(Last Modfied,17) ... then linked to this column instead of the original "Last Modified" column

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Two Sheets with Linked Create Date (as text)



    Formulae in First Sheet ="Date Created: " + Created1


    I hope this solves you problem.

  • ✭✭
    edited 12/21/16

    Hi Iain, James,

    Thank you for the input, both of your solutions work great.





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