RYG results are different

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

For RYG indicators I am using the same formula for all rows in my sheet but as you can see from my screenshot some rows have different results.  Dates are the same, status and % complete are the same.  How is it possible to have different results?




  • Nic Larsen
    Nic Larsen ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    IF statements stop at the 1st correct answer which is probably throwing off your results. I rearranged one of the conditions.. try this and see if its closer. 

    =IF(Status@row = "Complete", "Green", IF([Start Date]@row > TODAY(), "Gray", IF(AND([% Complete]@row <1, [End Date]@row < TODAY()), "Red", "Yellow")



  • I figured it out, they all referenced row 77 but 1 referenced row 76. blush

    What I haven't understood is why my [square] brackets keep disappearing.

  • Nic Larsen
    Nic Larsen ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Try removing specific cell references by replacing with @row instead. It will speed up your sheets and makes your formulas more efficient. 

    [  ] brackets are only needed when a column name has a space in it. Otherwise, they aren't necessary and will fall off.