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Smartsheet Office Timeline

I purchased the Office Timeline + package and love it.  The one question I can't figure out is the following.  Use case:  I import a project schedule into timeline--select the tasks that I want displayed--and I adjust all the formatting.  Then two weeks later, one key task changes duration and/or start/end date and it adjusts my entire project plan because of the dependencies.  My goal is to re-import in the schedule and only have it update the dates in the tasks and keep all the same formatting, and only display the tasks that I previously selected.  It appears that a new import is just that--new and I have to start from scratch.  Any ideas?  Thanks!



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi David! I would try reaching out to Office TImeline's support team: http://support.officetimeline.com/hc/en-us

  • Hi David,


    Did you get any resolution to this issue?  I too am having the same issue.  Having to recrate the slide each time is painful.

  • Hi Michael, I did reach out to the Office Timeline Support at, support@officetimeline.com.  This was their reply on April 28, 2016:


    "Unfortunately, Office Timeline does not have the Sync functionality yet with Smartsheet yet." 


    Your email to me prompted me to contact them again.  Here's my question and their answer this morning:


    Office Timeline Helpdesk (Helpdesk)

    Jun 16, 7:34 AM PDT

    Hi David,

    Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately, I am not certain on when the sync functionality between Office Timeline and Smartsheet is going to be added. You can keep an eye on www.officetimeline.com/updates for the latest features.


    Office Timeline Tips: http://blog.officetimeline.com 
    Latest releases: http://www.officetimeline.com/updates.aspx



    David Gillespie

    Jun 16, 6:50 AM PDT

    I should have followed up our last email exchange to ask when you think you’ll integrate sync functionality between Office Timeline and Smartsheet.



  • As a workaround until this is available, here's what I do: 

    You can sync sheets created from Excel. Export the plan from Smartsheet to Excel, and create your timeline initially from the Excel import file.  Each time you make an update you have to re-export the file from Smartsheet to Excel, but then you can sync with the updated Excel export.  It's a few extra steps but quicker than re-creating the timeline from scratch each time.  

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