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Calendar for Media Planning

Doug Cook
Doug Cook
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

We are looking for a calendar solution to keep track for our advertising placements. We place about 100 ads per month, in multiple publications and multiple sizes. We would like to be able to see the calendar as a list by publication, publish date, deadline and as a standard calendar view. I checked out the templates but came up empty.

Thanks for your help.

Doug Cook


  • Sarah Steele

    One option:  List both the deadline and publish dates in your sheet and then toggle to the calendar view.  Publish both dates (and reminders). 


    You can then publish this sheet/calendar to a google calendar (or share link with staff).  When viewing the SS calendar in Google, use the Agenda view.  It will list all of your dates and you can isolate publications by using the search feature also built into Google's calendar.

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