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make discussion text box to take in a picture directly

Feng X Li
Feng X Li
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Like the original Gmail text body can not copy and past  a picture directly, now we can.


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Feng, it sounds like you would like to copy and paste an image from your computer into a cell in Smartsheet, correct? This isnt possible at the moment  but I will add your vote for this enhancement request! 

  • Travis:


    Thanks for repsonding. 


    More precisely, when we click the "Discussions", it pops up a text box that we can write texts; I 'd like to also copy and paste an image (captured by screen print for example) to that text box along the texts , w/o to attach the image; So when users read the dicussion threads, the images are embeded in the right locations of the text descriptions.



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Understood - thanks for clarifying! As you have seen, you can attach an image to a discussion and click it to preview. I will update your request to have a persistent image next to a discussion. 

This discussion has been closed.