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Ben Willmott
Ben Willmott ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Im hoping to create a reminder or email 5 days before a due date?


Is this possible??


  • Hi Ben - yes, this is possible!


    For the row you want to create a reminder for, click in the 'i' or Row Action Indicators column (the third column from the left). You'll get the New Reminder screen. This screen allows you to set who will receive the reminder, and when they'll receive it.


    There are many options available here - you can send a specific person the reminder email, or you can set the recipient dynamically if you have a column that uses Contacts (this is handy if you have a task where the assigned party may change frequently).


    You can also use the 'on' and 'date' fields to configure the exact timing for the email. For example 'on Wednesday 05/11/16' will send the email on that exact date. If you change 'on' to '5 days before' and 'date' to a Date-type column in your sheet (for example, 'End'), then you would get the reminder email 5 days before whatever date is specified in the End column for that row.


    Reminders are VERY flexible - I think you'll find that these are a great way to get participation in in the process, and to help keep everybody on your team on track!

  • Thanks thats great info!


    But if I want the smae reminder for each row, do I have to manually need to create it each time?

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    If the Alert is on every row, use the Sheet level Alerts (found at the bottom tabs of the sheet )



  • Great!


    Thanks CraigLaughing

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