CountIfs between sheets resulting in "0"

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I have a pretty extensive risk log spreadsheet that I am trying to condense and simplify. Specifically, I want to filter it into a new sheet that will show me the number of risks and issues coming in per week based on the date they were entered into the log. I have been attempting to use the "Countifs" function, however I either get one of many error messages or the results returns a zero. 

For example, I want to find how many issues were assigned on 3/25. When I enter this formula, I end up with zero even though I know there are multiple on that date according to the columns on the sheet I'm referencing. 

=COUNTIFS({Date Assigned}, "03/25/19", {Type}, "Issue")

What am I missing here? The same concept works perfectly in Excel but I need it for Smartsheet so any help would be greatly appreciated! 



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