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SUM formula does not provide a total of IF statement outputs

Phil Smith
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts


I have a timesheet tracker setup with a web form (mobile) to allow me to quickly keep track of my daily activities etc.


There is a basic formula setup to auto populate my mileage based on a site code that I enter.


=IF(LOC8 = "Home", "00", IF(LOC8 = "KH", "90", IF(LOC8 = "NP", "110", IF(LOC8 = "BP", "110", "xx"))))


I'm then totalling up my mileage but keep getting a zero in the total column.


I'm guessing that I might need an ISNUMBER statement adding to my total (SUM) formula?


Can anyone help please?


Kind regards





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