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Card View Labels

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

When I switch to Card View I am unable to see any labels for the detail on the card. Using the example below I would not see the text units: mearly the data 21100. I would like the lable to be the column name. Is this possible? Or is there another way to set this information. Thank you 



  • Kennedy Stomps
    Kennedy Stomps Employee
    edited 06/29/16

    Hi JW-- In many of the demo videos that we have produced, the sheets include formulas that concatenate column values with text to describe the values. For example, in Robin's demo video, he has created formulas in his parent rows (the top row of cards) that preface his "Revenue" and "Units" values with those text strings. Those formulas look something like:


    ="Revenue: " + SUM(CHILDREN())


    I've added your vote to support displaying column headers as field labels in the Card View, but in the meantime, you might consider adding a formula like the one below in Text/Number type "card label" columns and using these as your field values instead:


    ="Start Date: " + Start6

This discussion has been closed.