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WARNING: Links in email points to earlier versions of attached files

Dave B
Dave B ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi all,


This may be old hat but I just discovered this scenario exists in Smartsheet.


1) You attach a file to a row and send the row with the file linked in the email to User A.


2) User A replies and makes you aware of an error in the file.


3) You correct the error and then upload a new version of the file.   Smartsheet now has Version 1 and Version 2 on hand.  Version 2 is the corrected version.


4) Instead of resending the row, you reply to User A using the EXISTING email letting the user know the file has been updated.


When User A clicks on the link in the email Smartsheet will download Version 1.  NOT Version 2.


This could cause potential issues, of course.





  • Kennedy Stomps

    Hi Dave B-- To confirm, when using a Send Row email on a row with attachments, the email sent will contain unique download links that will allow the receipient to download the files on the row at the time the row was sent. Though I can understand that a scenario like the one above might occur, it isn't possible for Smartsheet to "re-write" those links after the email has been sent. To ensure your users have links to the most recent files, I would suggest re-sending the rows if new versions are added, as this will be the only way to make sure the links point to the right document.

  • Dave B
    Dave B ✭✭✭✭✭



    Understood that the links sent in an email can't be rewritten once the email leaves.


    For exactly that reason the link should AWLAYS point to the latest version of the file.  In other words, the link address doesn't change, but what resides at that address does.


    Resending rows (albeit a workable solution) to update users' links kinda defeats the whole purpose of cloud-based collaboration doncha think?






  • Kennedy Stomps

    Hi Dave-- You might consider uploading documents to a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox, as the links created in Send Row emails to these documents will direct to the application, rather than a direct download of the document. As a result, users will always be directed to the most recent version of the document, and can view past versions if desired. At this point, there's no way I can think of that we'd be able to ensure that a direct download link in a send row email would always direct to the newest version of the file, so this might be a good alternative option.

  • Dave B
    Dave B ✭✭✭✭✭



    We do use Box and often link Box-located files to Smartsheet rows.   In fact, the links in Smartsheet continue to work even if the file is Box is moved from one folder to another, and they always point to the latest version in Box.  That's exactly what gave me the idea for this post. 


    That said, some of our SmartSheet users do not have access to Box thus we attach actual files to the Smartsheet rows.  It is these files and their "send" links that become an issue if the file is updated. 


    I guess my point is this - if Box can maintain a link even if the file is updated or moved it seems Smartsheet could do the same.   As I said before, the link does not point to a file, it points to an address.  The "update" is that what resides at that address is changing, not the link itself.





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