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Formula Separator

Laurie Bearden
Laurie Bearden ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I'm attempting to create Red Yellow Green balls based on 2 formulas in one row.  I have one formula for early, late, on time, and another for whether the phase has been completed.  Basically I want to show green if the row is early or on time and/or if it is completed/cancelled, but red if it is late and/or stalled or not started.  I hit an error of "Separator Expected".  When I looked that up in the formula help it said that would mean I'm missing a comma, but after checking closely, I have all the commas I need.  I changed the formula this morning, as previously it only had the formula calculating whether or not it was on time, but then added the phase formula.  Can I run two formulas on one row for one result? 


The formula is:


=IF([On Time Status]526 = "Early", "Green", IF([On Time Status]526 = "On Time", "Green", IF([On Time Status]526 = "Late", "Red", IF(Phase526 "Cancelled", "Green", IF(Phase526 "Completed", "Green", IF(Phase526 "Stalled", "Yellow"))))))


I hope that makes sense. 


Laurie Bearden



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