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Importing Excel sheet clarifications

J. Craig Williams
J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I've been importing an Excel sheet for a while now.

Formerly, I didn't care about the Primary column because I was just using the sheet as temporary means to get the data to the final sheet - where column types is more important.


The first column contains a series of 1's and 0's.

In the final sheet, that is a check-box column and works great.


Now I added another column to the left and imported that.

Now the column with 1's and 0's changes to a drop-down list which when copied to the final sheet are all blank check-boxes.


There are other column with a limited set of choices but those are not drop-downs.


To the clarifications needed (http://help.smartsheet.com//customer/portal/articles/504553)

1. There appears to be no way to force the column type on import. Correct?

2. What is the logic necessary to have a column changed to a drop-down on import? 2 entries? 5?

12 seems to be too many but I'm not going to spend time investigating.








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