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Auto-fill formulas for children rows

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I click on the parent row that is below the children and insert a new row. This comes up as a child row for the above parent but the formulas that those children have do not autofill to the new row. Can this be changed? 



  • I can't figure out how to autofill it... It seems that since there are rows under, the formulas do not autofill.


    What I do is that I create more than one row above the parent and then, you can autofill the formulas from above by pressing enter over an existing children row.




    EDIT : It seems that you only have to insert a few rows and they all autofill without any more effort, excepted for the row touching to the parent below.


    Hope that can help!

    Étienne Desbiens

  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You need to give Smartsheet a hand here, so it can act intuitiveley. 

    If two rows above the new Row have a formula in, then it/they will copy into the new Row but there needs to be two empty rows below otherwise it doesnt know where to look for the formmulas to copy, look up or look down. 

    Try it out and you will see. 


    Good luck. 


  • Thanks Richard. If I was the only one using the sheet that wouldn't be an issue. however I have multiple people inserting new rows and I can't expect them to remember to put a new row between the two blank ones and two above

  • Then, instead, you could simply tell them to copy paste the row above to add rows... This is what I tell people working in the sheets I made and it works pretty well!

  • tobrien3
    edited 07/06/16

    That's a good idea Etinne!

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