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Ticket Tracker Notifications

Candy Loehr
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

We would like to have Ticket Tracker send an email to the person who submitted the ticket to us, when that ticket has been "resolved". I do not want everyone to get the notice, only this one person. Has anyone been able to do this? I can set the Alerts but cannot narrow it down to just the one person. I can do a reminder, but it does not work in real time. I set the reminder, set the parameters, then set the date to kick it out the door but it did not generate the mail. Most likely because it is set to deploy reminders on a specific time frame (in the back end) so setting a date at noon on tuesday, will not generate a mail unless the date was set on Monday for Tuesday reminder. (did that make sense?). As we resolve tickets, the "resolved" box is checked and the "date closed" box is filled in. Then I want the person who submitted the ticket to know we tended to the task. Any help is appreciated!


  • I contacted customer support for this and here is the response, in case anyone else has this issue:

    JUL 07, 2016  |  02:07PM PDT


    Samuel replied:



    Thank you for contacting Smartsheet Support. We currently don’t have programmed functionality to send Notifications when a specific value has been selected (such as Status = Completed or Assigned = Bob) but this is something we are looking into (see our Product Roadmap at https://www.smartsheet.com/product-roadmap) and I’ve added your vote for this.

    Prior to this, you might consider using a formula to trigger a change in a designated column if a specific value is selected in another column. You can set this up by creating a Text/Number column called something like “Notify”. Then, enter a formula in this column that checks the value in the desired column and row and sets the value of the “Notify” column to 1 if it matches the given value. Here’s an example:

    <span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: #5c6167;">=IF([Status]7 = "Completed", 1)</span>

    This will check the value in the Status column on row 7 to see if it is “Completed” and if so, it places a 1 in the Notify column. With the formula in place, you can then set up a Notification (see http://help.smartsheet.com/customer/portal/articles/542904) for the Notify column which will be triggered whenever someone, other than yourself, changes any Status to “Completed”.

    For general information on Smartsheet formulas and a listing of all available functions, please see http://help.smartsheet.com/customer/portal/articles/775363.

    For additional samples of formulas in action, we recommend using the Smartsheet Formula Examples template in the Template Gallery on + tab.

    Smartsheet support can provide general assistance on formulas but currently doesn’t offer formula creation/custom programming services. When available, we will gladly pass on samples we have which may be similar to what you are trying to accomplish.



    Technical Support Specialist

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