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Date conversion

J. Craig Williams
J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I feel like I'm off my game today.

I hope I'm wrong here but this is what I have.


Sheet 1 has a Date column 

For other design issues, that date is linked to a Text/Number formula on Sheet 2.


In sheet 2, I want to take the date and compare it to a real date in the sheet.


Addiing =[Text Column]23 to a date field results in a text.

Even if the text 'looks' correct ("07/01//16")


Am I missing a formula to convert that directly to a date?




=DATE(VALUE(RIGHT([Text Column]23, 2)) + 2000, VALUE(LEFT([Text Column]23, 2)), VALUE(MID([Text Column]23, 4, 2)))


seems like a lot of effort to do that on my own.

Is there another way I'm just brain-farting on at the moment?


If not, I suggest that there should be.






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