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MIN date when checkbox is not checked


I am looking for a formula that will give me the upcoming date (I am using the MIN function for this) in a range of dates when my checkbox column ("Done") is not checked.


The context we are using this in is that we would like to show the next task that is not already completed.


This is what I have so far and cannot figure out how to get this to work correctly:


=IF(Done74:Done84 = 0, MIN([Scheduled Due Date]74:[Scheduled Due Date]84))




Any and all direction would be appreciated! Thank you!


  • Atus Bartal
    Atus Bartal ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Madeline,

    I guess you cannot solve this in one step (there is no "MINIF" formula  :)

    What I would do is to create another date column that consists of scheduled due dates for non-complete tasks only: 

    =IF(Done74 = 0, [Scheduled Due Date]74, "")   [this would be the formula in each row]

    In the next step I would look for the "minimum" date in this column:

    =MIN(Newcolumn:Newcolumn)       [supposing "Newcolumn" is the name of the column]

    ...this way you'll get the upcoming date.

    I hope this is what you're looking for.





  • Thank you so much Atus. This is exactly what I needed. I was trying not to add a column, but the formula you provided works beautifully, so I will use it!

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