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How can I switch off automatic conversion into Hyperlinks?

Dietrich Koch
Dietrich Koch ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Everytime I write a text that looks like a web adress Smartsheets converts it automatically into a hyperlink. There might be situations where this is a cool feature, but there are situations where its annoying as well - currently in the headers of Sights :-(


How do I turn it off`?


  • Hi Dietrich-- I know this happens automatically in sheets and we don't currently have a way to disable it. Can you confirm where in Sights this is occuring and where it is having the biggest impact on your work? E.g. the overall title of a Sight vs. individual widget titles? This information will help me pass on your feedback to our Sights team!

  • Dietrich Koch
    Dietrich Koch ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/18/16

    Hi Kennedy,


    in Sights I noticed it only in the text widget, which I use for titles.

    I've checked, but it did not occur within the widget titles.

  • Hi Dietrich-- Thanks for confirming that for me. To clarify, text within the rich text widget will automatically format as a hyperlink if Smartsheet reads it as a web address and we don't offer the ability to turn this off, but I can see the value of this option and I've logged your feedback on this!

  • Automatic hyperlinks are really annoying. It makes this rather good software tottaly impossible to use for me. 

       I have disabled auto-follow from hyperlink in excel, notepad ++ and other software. If you click on a cell that has a hyperlink ,it will open that link . My notes have hyperlink only, my tasks are ofter  hyperlinks to a website. I wish there was a way to disable it. I'd rather have plain text only option . I can move it with a mouse cursor into a new window tab and open it myself or copy paste.  

  • Hi Lou-- I will pass along this feedback to our Product team directly at our meeting this week, thank you for your input!

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    It continues to amaze me that the auto-fill, auto-correct, auto-whatever is usually annoying enough to try to disable it.

    You'd think by now developers wouldn't give that option without also being able to disable it too.


    At least until the robot overlords take over we can continue to complain about them.


    Please add my vote to allow hyperlinks to remain as text.



  • I have added your vote, Craig!

  • 98



    When do you think feature to  disable auto hyperlink will be availiable?

    I can live without many extra feutures but this really annoys me so  much, many times i click on a cell becasuse its just a reflex, and then i'm being redirected somewhere






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