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Cards Feature request

Bill Brandt
Bill Brandt ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Please add dates as an option to create the columns from. This would allow us to use the card view for pull planning. We would also like formating to transfer to cards (background color especially)


  • Hi Bill-- Though I can see how this would be useful, I don't believe that this will be a feature added to Card View in the future, because we currently limit the number of columns that can appear in the Card View to 50, and you could (theoretically) have up to 5,000 unique dates in a sheet. As a workaround, I'd suggest using a formula to pull the dates from your date column into a new Text/Number column, then saving the sheet and changing the column type to Dropdown. This will automatically populate your dropdown list with the date values. Hope this helps!

  • Bill Brandt
    Bill Brandt ✭✭✭✭✭

    That may work, Perhaps an option to automaticly (or prompted yes/no) add a new entry to a drop down would simplify that process some as well.

  • Bill-- That's a good idea, I'll suggest it to the team! Another option is to highlight all of the cells in your desired date column, then copy and paste into a new dropdown column. You'll just want to keep in mind that only the first 50 items in the dropdown picklist will be included as columns in the Card View, so if you have more dates than that you may need to pick and choose which are included in the Card View by rearranging the pick list.

This discussion has been closed.