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Jen P
Jen P
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



How do I enable auto-complete in SmartSheet?


I am designing a form for linguists to borrow items for fieldwork, and it would be great if their name, e-mail address, fieldwork location etc. came up as an option when they started typing in a cell.






  • Brett Evans
    Brett Evans ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If you use a contact list for the column type you can get some of that functionality.

    i.e. name and email address.

  • Hi Jen-- Brett's suggestion is really the extent of what's built in to Smartsheet right now. If you add your team members as users (licensed or non-licensed) on your account, or to your My Smartsheet Contacts list, users on your sheets will be able to autofill their names and contact information in Contact List-type columns. You could also probably use nested IF formulas to fill in other data automatically in other columns, but I would note that if you have a lot of IF conditions, these can really slow down a sheet if used in every row. 

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