Count and compare date columns in 'form' based worksheet

David O.
David O. ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I would like to know how I can count number of activities (rows) which are completed ('finish' date column) at or before 'planned finish' date. In the same formula it should only be counted when 'complete' column is ticked off and empty cells should not be counted.

Note that this is a 'form based' worksheet, meaning rows are added each day by employees using a 'form', hence adding a support column is not an option (as it is not possible to pre-define a formula in a form).

I have already tried 'COUNTIFS' formula incl 'IFERROR' and '@CELL', however I'm stuck when it comes to compare dates in two whole columns ([finish]:[finish] <= [planned finish]:[planned finish]). Please provide your thoughts on how I may proceed.

In advance, thanks!

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