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Card view - redirect to grid view option

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



When in card view, let say i'm looking at a specific card, how can  i see that specific card in sheet view, without switching to sheet view and scrolling through the full sheet manully?

Bassicly on option to be taken to sheet view where that specific task is displayed.




  • Hi Lou-- We don't currently offer a function to take you directly from a Card in the Card View to a row in the sheet. Can I ask how you would use this functionality, were it implemented? You can edit Cards (Rows) from the Card View directly, so I'm interested to know the factors in your workflow that would require you to switch between Grid and Card view this way!

  • If you are in card view you are viewing your tasks based on a column drop down menu. Let say you have 10 projects, each with 10 sub levels. Your KANBAN view  is : INBOX --TO DO---DONE

    You will have 100 cards in your kanban view. Let say you want to move the task into diferent project of the same sheet or you just want to see how many tasks are in that specific sub level or a  project. You would have to scroll and find that specific task in grid view .When the tree is closed it will be even more dificult.  

    KANBAN view for me offers focused easy to see workload and stages of progress.

    SHEET VIEW for me offers general and detailed ,more global look at projects,but it is very difficult to visualize stages and general work load of projects.  That is the reason why i think i would be beneficial to have  an option to be taken to gridview from a specific card.  

  • Hi Lou-- Thanks for this input! I know that our Card View team is always looking for suggestions to improve this area of the application so I will pass your feedback along to them.

This discussion has been closed.