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Final line break at the end of a text impossible?

Dietrich Koch
Dietrich Koch ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I would like to have a line break at the end of a text within a cell, to have a little more space between the actual row and the following row. I do not want to insert an extra row (more grid lines, cumbersome handling of parent/childs etc). 


But it seems, Smartsheet does not like that. It removes every blank at the end of text as well as the line breaks that are not followed by characters...


Is there any workaround?


  • Frankie Tidmore
    edited 08/01/16

    You can embedd a carriage return in a Smartsheet cellusing the ALT-Enter key combination.  This will allow for visual spacing within a cell.

  • Dietrich Koch
    Dietrich Koch ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    you're right If you continue adding text. In that case ALT-Enter adds an empty line.


    But if you try to add it at the end of your text it does not work! Smartsheets just ignores it. 


    I was wondering, if there is a certain character (Ascii?) or something to circumvent this behavior...

  • HI Dietrich-- I'm not aware of a way to circumvent this behavior, other than maybe using an alt code to insert an unobtrusive special character into the last line, just to create space, like maybe Alt + 250 ( · ).

  • Dietrich Koch
    Dietrich Koch ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Kennedy,


    thanks for replying. Thats exactly what I did so far - hoped there would be an ASCII that would be recognized by smartsheet but still be invisible to users ;-)

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