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Error while transfering a formula from Excel to Smartsheet

Etienne Desbiens
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



Someone tried to transfer a formula from excel to smartsheet... The only problem is that the formula is quite long and there is one/multiple error(s) left.

Can someone help? I've found a few ones ( ; instead of , ... WEEKNUM instead of WEEKNUMBER) but I can't get it to work...

Here it is. I colored the different if parts to help when looking at the formula.


=IF(ISBLANK([Kick off Date]51),"",IF(WEEKNUMBER(IF(YEAR([Kick off Date]51+([Timing (weeks)]51*7))-YEAR([Kick off Date]51)=1, [Kick off Date]51+((([Timing (weeks)]51+2)*7), [Kick off Date]51+(([Timing (weeks)]51*7)),1))>51,IF(YEAR([Kick off Date]51+(([Timing (weeks)]51*7))-YEAR([Kick off Date]51)=1,[Kick off Date]51+((([Timing (weeks)]51+2)*7), [Kick off Date]51+(([Timing (weeks)]51*7))+(2*7),IF(YEAR([Kick off Date]51+(([Timing (weeks)]51*7))-YEAR([Kick off Date]51)=1, [Kick off Date]51+((([Timing (weeks)]51+2)*7), [Kick off Date]51+(([Timing (weeks)]51*7))



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