Contact list in forms



  • Danny T.
    Danny T. ✭✭
    edited 02/15/23

    Just submitted a product enhancement request for this functionality to be added. It seems like a no-brainer that a contact should be selectable through a form (and then that user's contact info used automatically in a workflow), without the need to manually add contacts in column properties for each and every contact list field.

    By the way, my use is a series of approvals where the approvers need to be selected from a list of teammates.

  • Kirk Midkiff

    Hi @Britt Smith - I'm running into the same issue at an org of nearly 400 staff, part of a larger parent org of 5,000 staff. It makes no sense to me that SS would anticipate this could scale with these types of limitations for contact fields and lists. Were you able to figure out a solution? I'm still plugging in staff one at a time into the dropdown list options in a form field. Also the inability to copy columns from one sheet to another is also wildly inefficient. Particularly in the case of 'helper' columns that are only used for filtering, grouping, sorting in reports.

    Thanks for any advice.


  • mdcatlett
    mdcatlett ✭✭✭✭

    Same need - we're a membership org with 150k members, and need to be able to use the email address submitted in a form to send out an automated confirmation email without including a submitted attachment for security reasons. Asking them to create yet another login after they've already logged in to our website to access the form is going to be confusing. SSO doesn't make sense at this juncture for a number of reasons.

  • Joe Petruolo

    Does anyone have a workaround to this? It seems there is no update to when they might deliver this function

  • Suzanne Raphael

    Wow. This truly is a "no brainer" feature, one that I was so sure must already exist that I was equally sure I was doing something wrong for it not to be working. What a drag. And I second the insanity of not being able to do a sheet-to-sheet column copy.

  • Jeremy E

    Submitted this via the product feedback form! Surprising this hasn't been implemented.

  • Paul Johnson1

    This enhancement urgently needed and has been requested for a few years.

    We need a contact list field in a webform to be available as a dropdown of contacts which is based on the user list.

  • Jim B
    Jim B ✭✭✭

    Much needed enhancement here too.

  • JessicaD

    I agree this is an urgent need. Also the contact list has mixed results. If I view the form on a desktop I can't search for a contact or the list; it doesn't index when starting to type a name. If I access the same form on an iPhone/iPad it indexes the contact I am searching for.

  • Munir Sadiq

    Smartsheet, where are we with this?