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Release 2016-08-06 Comments feature doc misleading

J. Craig Williams
J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

The new functionality doc:


says this

Other actions with comments require additional permissions:

  • To edit a comment, you must be the author of the comment.
  • To delete a comment, you must be the author of the comment.

Neither of these appear to be true because the very next statement is:


Note that the sheet Owner or anyone with Admin permissions to the sheet can delete any comment or comment thread.



Testing confirms that an Admin can edit/delete any comment or thread.

To edit or delete a comment, you must be the author, owner of the sheet, or have Admin privileges.


Testing confirms that an Admin can delete any comment or thread.

To delete a comment, you must be the author, owner of the sheet, or have Admin privileges.


I thought I was able edit comments with Admin/Owner users but can not reproduce again.





Also, don't forget to update the Functionality list when posting new threads here.




This discussion has been closed.