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SmartSheet Reporting Question

Does the report functionality have an option to only include new data adde?  I have a sheet that will be populated over the next few weeks by a web form and I want to send weekly reports of just the data from that week.  Thanks!


  • Dietrich Koch
    Dietrich Koch ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Tony,


    how about adding...

    - the week you want to filter 
    in a cell on your sheet


    - a column with system generated date

    that automatically saves the date the entry was made via the webform


    - adding a checkbox column that identifies the week the entry was made
    in the rows and activates itself, if the week corresponds to the week you want to cover with your report.


    Then you can run a report which should filter on the checked boxes. In the result it will always show only the the entries of the week that you've chosen by the weeknumber you've entered.



    Check Week for Report.png

  • Tony Davidson - SmartSheet Certified User 2016
    edited 08/10/16

    Thanks Dietrich!  I was hoping for just a simple checkbox in the report setup of "include only new data".  I think what you're suggesting would definitely work as a work.  Thanks!

  • Dietrich Koch
    Dietrich Koch ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/10/16

    If its not necessary to be flexible with the week to show in the report and if you want to have it totally automated you could change the formula in the checkbox column to this:


    =IF(WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()) = WEEKNUMBER([System generated Date]2), 1, 0)


    In the result it would always activate the checkbox for entries of the actual week and the report would adjust itself accordingly. 

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