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List of users and emails

Chris Winfield
Chris Winfield ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi All,


Does anybody know of a way to get a list of all email addresses that all sheets have been shared with? 


We have an enterprise account and can export the list of formally invited users, but this doesn't include a variety of people who shared have been shared with, but who haven't formally joined our account.


Any ideas welcome!






  • Chris Winfield
    Chris Winfield ✭✭✭✭✭

    Scratch that... I have answered my own question. Downloading the sheet access report gives this information.



  • We are not on theTeam, not Enterprise, platform but I have the same question.  I'd like to add the users on our primary domain to Contacts such that all team users would be able to access all people within our firm. It seems to me (and I'm relatively new to Smartsheet) that each sheet has it's own recognized contacts based on sharing.  


    Any wisdom and insight is much appreciated.

  • Hi TMK-- You could set up all users on your primary domain as non-licensed users by uploading a CSV with their contact details in User Management. This will make it possible to reference these users as Contacts in sheets. 

  • Thank you, Kennedy! I will give that a try and let you know how it goes. I appreciate the prompt response.



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