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AutoNumber starting with zero

Ramsay Zaki
Ramsay Zaki ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I would like for the AutoNumber functionality to be able to begin with 0. It seems that is currently not allowed.


For example, I have meeting minutes and the first row is the meeting date. The next row(s) are the actual agenda items. It would be great if the first row became AutoNumber 0 (Which I would then format with white text so it looks hidden) and then all subsequent rows continue with 1, 2, etc.




  • Hi Ramsay-- Thanks for contacting Smartsheet Support. Using 0 as the starting number in an auto-number column isn't currently supported but I've added your vote for this to our enhancement request list. In the meantime, a work-around would be to create the column as a Text/Number column, add a 0 in the first row, then change the column type to Auto-Number. This won't overwrite the text in the first row, but will start numbering from 1 in the next row. Hope this helps!

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