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Is there an easier way to request backups?

Jerry Bell
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I create several projects a week, and I would like to stream line the backup request process.  Instead of right clicking on each project worksheet and selecting both Request Backup and Schedule Recurring Backup, is there a way to do this for several projects at once?  Or better yet, when I "Save as new" a project, can it have the backups already in place for the new project?


Jerry Bell



  • Check out the article below.  This shows how you can get a scheduled backup.  I get one weekly for every sheet in my workspace.  Tony



  • Denis Gudtsov
    edited 08/15/16

    Try to use workspaces instead of separate sets of sheets and folders. Then you'll able to configure backups for all sheets inside workspace.

  • Or have all of your sheets be within an umbrella "All Sheets" Folder and schedule the recuring backup to that Folder. I found out that it'll also keep the folder heirarchy in the backup zip

  • Jeremy Myers
    Jeremy Myers ✭✭✭✭✭

    Product Request:  At minimum, Smartsheet could provide a free command level utuitly that you can mount on a backup server at your office to secure your sheets.  If there is a cheaper and easier solution I would appreciate hearing about it. 


    The current "backup" regieme of ordering your data to be secured once a week by Smartsheet is unworkable.  Who can afford to loose a full week or day of data?


    I found out the hard way that if you loose something since your last formal "requested backup" and have the techs at Smartsheet restore your file to THEIR last SERVER backup point what you get back is an excel document- yes you have the data which is much better than nothing, BUT all your logic, conditional formatting, etc are stripped out.  Repeat, you don't get your sheet back, you get Excel.


    On a slightly diffeent topic, developing templates for clients and then "transferring" sheet ownership is a pain for everyone..  A backup utility would solve that problem nicely, as well - I do the development work, back it up and send it over to the client.  End of story.



  • Kennedy Stomps
    Kennedy Stomps Employee
    edited 08/17/16

    Hi Jeremy-- The feature you've described actually does exist--check out our Backup Tool. Users on a Team or Enterprise account can use this to backup their entire account. Please note that while it does require some development work to deploy, we are happy to assist with troubleshooting if you run into any issues. 


    Our team is currently working on an intensive "Sheet History" project that will provide a greater detail of sheet logging and also greater access to historical sheet data. I don't have a release date for this right now, but it is something we are focused on and developing right now!

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