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Auto-save no worky?

James Chung
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I've set the auto-save to 3 min. of inactiity.  But i get this prompt to save.  Am I minstanding how this feature work?


Screen Shot 2016-08-15 at 10.52.47 AM.png

Screen Shot 2016-08-15 at 10.26.04 AM.png



  • I think mouse movements count as activity. Try navigating away from the browser tab or not touching the mouse for the 3 minutes.

  • Hi James-- Benjamin is correct, this feature is intended for when you might step away from your computer completely or entirely navigate away from Smartsheet. It's intended to help ensure that any changes you've made to the sheet are preserved in case another user is also working on the sheet. Hope that helps clear things up!

  • As a follow up question, does the auto save serve no purpose otherwise?

    I worked for long hours on a sheet yesterday, did not manually save (CTRL+s), shut down my computer, and the auto save did nothing for me when I re-opened even though both boxes were checked as in James' screenshot (saving every 3 min). 

    Seems like that progress should go somewhere, or there should be an auto-recover enabled. Otherwise I do not see the point.


  • c_berg,

    The auto save will fire after minutes of inactivity, or when navigating through Smartsheet. If you close your browser and say no to the prompt that appears about losing data, there is nothing we can do to save it at that point as you've opted out.

    I have attached the prompt I am talking about




  • Hello,

    That warning prompt does not appear if you run smartsheet via chrome app. Is there any way to fix that?




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