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Copy links

Ida LT
Ida LT
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I use link between sheets a lot.

Sometime I have to link to the same cell a lot of times - but it is not possible to just copy another cell with a link.

Could this be a possibility? It would make my work much easier, since it takes time to make the link to another cell in another sheet.




  • Kennedy Stomps

    Hi Ida-- I'm a little unclear on your question, so I'll give answering it a shot and let you know if you're unclear on anything or if I went in completely the wrong direction! 


    If you copy cells from one sheet, you can right-click on your desired location in another sheet and use Paste Special to paste the cells with a link to the source sheet. If you want to link the same cell from a source sheet to multiple destination sheets, you can copy it once, then paste multiple times in the destination sheet or across multiple destination sheets. Hope that helps!

  • Ida LT
    Ida LT
    edited 08/18/16

    Hi, thank you for your answer.


    I tried the "Paste special" but this only copies the format of the text.


    I will try to explain more explicit :)


    I have a smartsheet with a lot of drawing numbers - in this smartsheet i update my drawing numbers.

    To avoid having to correct the drawing numbers in many different sheets, I link from other sheets to the drawing-number-sheet.


    I have a sheet where the same items have different colors - but still the same drawing number. 

    Now I have to right click, link from cell to other sheet, find the sheet+cell - and I have to do this every time, even though some use the same drawing number.


    When I try to copy the drawing number+link, it only copies the number - the link to the other sheet is lost.


    I hope this explain my need better :)


    BR Ida

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