Formula to calculate project number based on group

Grace N
Grace N
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions


I want to calculate a project number based on what group it is in. In this example, there are 16 projects among 4 departments. I entered the 3rd column manually; i.e. the first digit is the department number and the second digit is the nth project for that department. What formula can I use to calculate the values in the 3rd column?



2019-09-23 170742.png



  • Does the project number have to indicate how many projects there are in a department?  If so, why?  If not, I would use the auto number functionality and prefix/append it with the department and formatting to obtain the desired results.  For example: <Dept#>-<auto num>

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    You would first need to establish which department is which department number. If you are actually using "Department #", then you can use a RIGHT function.


    =RIGHT(Department@row, 1)


    If you are using actual department names such as "Admin", "Production", etc, you will want to write a nested IF statement to generate the appropriate number. For example...


    =IF(Department@row = "Admin", "1", IF(Department@row = "Production", "2", ...............................))))


     NOTE: I intentionally put quotes around the numbers in the IF statement and left the RIGHT function as is to generate a text value as opposed to a numerical value.


    Next we will add in the ".".


    =first_formula_choice + "."


    Then we add the count for the number of projects for that department.


    first_formula_choice + "." + COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@row, Department@row)


    NOTE: The $ before the row reference to lock in row 1 as the start of your range.


    Let me know how that works out for you.

  • Thanks, Paul. Your formula works for me. 

    I have a follow up question. I want to have 2 digits to the right of the decimal point. I modified your formula as follows: 

    =RIGHT(Department24, 1) + "." + IF(COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@row, Department@row) < 10, "0" + COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@row, Department@row), COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@row, Department@row))

    Is there a more elegant solution?


    2019-09-24 101034.png

  • Oops, my formula should be 

    =RIGHT(Department@row, 1) + "." + IF(COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@rowDepartment@row) < 10, "0" + COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@rowDepartment@row), COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@rowDepartment@row))

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    There isn't much in the way of "elegance" that can be added other than simplifying the IF(COUNTIFS portion just a little.


    Think of it this way...


    If you leave the third portion of an IF statement empty, then you would have a potential of two different results. Either the specified result if true, or blank.

    .....................IF(COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@rowDepartment@row) < 10, "0" + COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@rowDepartment@row), COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@rowDepartment@row)..............


    You can actually use an IF statement to say if the COUNTIFS is less than 10, "0". If it's true, then you get a 0. If it isn't, it leaves a blank. Then you add your COUNTIFS regardless of what it is.


    .....................IF(COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@rowDepartment@row) < 10, "0") + COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@rowDepartment@row).............


    Which would leave you with:

    =RIGHT(Department@row, 1) + "." + IF(COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@rowDepartment@row) < 10, "0") + COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@rowDepartment@row))


    Saves a few keystrokes but does the same exact thing.


    I use this idea frequently with a nested IF to account for numbers under 10000.


    ......IF(COUNTIFS(.......................) < 10, "000", IF(COUNTIFS(.......................) < 100, "00", IF(COUNTIFS(.......................) < 1000, "0"))) + COUNTIFS(.......................)......

  • Thanks again, Paul

    I got an INCORRECT ARGUMENT error due to an extra ")" in your formula. This is the corrected formula

    =RIGHT(Department@row, 1) + "." + IF(COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@row, Department@row) < 10, "0") + COUNTIFS(Department$1:Department@row, Department@row)


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Sorry about that. Glad you were able to get it working. Happy to help! 

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