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Countif with wildcard

Need some ideas how to count number of cells in a range with any text in them. 

The formula below returns 0 (when all cells in the range contain text)

=COUNTIF(Column Name]10:[Column Name]19, "*")


Any ideas for text wildcard?




  • Atus Bartal
    Atus Bartal ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    this formula is fine if "any text" does not refer strictly to text (or strings) in the range of cells: 

    =COUNTIF(Column Name]10:[Column Name]19, "<>"+"")

    if there are numbers and texts in the range and you want to count the cells only with texts, use this formula: 

    =COUNTIF(Column Name]10:[Column Name]19, ISTEXT(@cell))     [thanks to SS_Devs for @cell! :)]


    Hope this helps




  • Way to go SS_Devs! Works great for my need.

    Muchas Gracias Atus

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