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Hide columns when drop down menu it a specific item


I have a project sheet that has the tasks, actions, risks, etc.  The risks have specific columns that apply to it.  I want to hide these columns unless the item type is risk.  


I have searched for help with this but can't seem to find the solution.



  • Jamison
    Jamison ✭✭✭✭✭

    you can't hide columns conditionally or using a formula. The best you could do is create a report for only risk items and include those columns, or use conditional formatting to black out the non-applicable cells if the type = 'risk.'


    As an aside, how would you hide a column for one type, but not another, assuming both types would be present in different rows? If you hide a column, the whole column disappears, not just certain cells.

  • I did create a report for risks but users are complaining they don't want to see the risk related columns.


    These columns are specific to risks and not shared.  I had to put everything on one sheet because upper management wants to see everything on one sheet per project without using reports. 

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