Count dates and return a valve from another sheet

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I need to reefer to another sheet and count any row that has a "Fill Superintendent" and return a number if it is =< today in column. Then a valve if its => 60 days


Thank you for any help




  • Alejandra
    Alejandra Employee

    Hi Creve,

    Here's a couple of formula examples that would meet your business rules:

    To count the number of tasks where the Assigned To is "Fill Superintendent" and the start (or end) date is:

    Less than or equal to today:

    =COUNTIFS({Assigned To}, "Fill Superintendent", {Start Date}, <=TODAY())

    Greater than or equal to 60 days from today AND less than 90 days from today:

    =COUNTIFS({Assigned To}, "Fill Superintendent", {Start Date}, >=TODAY(60), {Start Date}, <TODAY(90))

    Greater than or equal to 90 days from today AND less than 120 days from today:

    =COUNTIFS({Assigned To}, "Fill Superintendent", {Start Date}, >=TODAY(90), {Start Date}, <TODAY(120))

    Anything greater than 120 days from today:

    =COUNTIFS({Assigned To}, "Fill Superintendent", {Start Date}, >=TODAY(120))

    If needed, more information on cross-sheet formulas can be found in our help article:

    More information on the TODAY function can be found here:

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