I Need assistance with Formulas in Smart Sheets.

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Hello, i am having difficulty with formulas in SmartSheets, Index, Match, and IF Statements.  If anyone is an expert, I can get the formula to work in Excel but not in SmartSheets.

I have used the help desk, all the formulas they have tried have not worked, I found 1 expert in the Pro Desk who could help the other could not, I have been told I need 10 hours of time at a cost of $2,500.  I can not afford that for a formula that works in excel just not in Smartsheets

Please advise, I have been working on this formula for 3 weeks

Excel Formula


1.) =IF(J10="Retail",INDEX('commission and Revenue.TC.316.T'!$X$7:$X$24,MATCH(Sheet1!K10,'commission and Revenue.TC.316.T'!$AA$7:$AA$24,0)),0)*I10

1.) with notes =IF(J"this Number Rolls"10="Retail",INDEX('commission and Revenue.TC.316.T'!$X$7:$X$24,MATCH(Sheet1!K"this Number Rolls"10,'commission and Revenue.TC.316.T'!$AA$7:$AA$24,0)),0)*I"this Number Rolls"10

OR this one

2.) =INDEX('commission and Revenue.TC.316.T'!$X$7:$X$24,MATCH('Sheet1 (1)'!K10,'commission and Revenue.TC.316.T'!$AA$7:$AA$24,0))*i225

2.) with notes =INDEX('commission and Revenue.TC.316.T'!$X$7:$X$24,MATCH('Sheet1 (1)'!K"this Number Rolls"10,'commission and Revenue.TC.316.T'!$AA$7:$AA$24,0))*i"this Number Rolls"225

Thank you,

